August 2, 2016

Building Your Legacy and Making Your Lasting Impact

With career and raising children in the rear view mirror, many retirees begin thinking about the legacy they would like to leave.  Leaving a legacy may be the highest form of altruism since it’s a gift to the future—one in which you may never see its benefits or feel the appreciation of others.

Creating your legacy doesn’t happen overnight; it means different things to different people…and it can range from a charitable donation to a lasting impression on your neighbor’s children.

If you’re thinking about how to create an impact after you’ve passed, consider these simple steps to get started.

Step 1.  Create Your Vision:  What do you value and care about most?  Don’t be shy about asking friends and family—they may have a perspective you don’t.

Step 2.  Determine Your Legacy:  What is the legacy you wish to leave?  What’s the impact you want to make?  A legacy can come in many shapes and sizes, but by all means let it reflect you.

Step 3.  Develop a Plan:  Your legacy requires a blueprint.  A plan helps you organize your efforts and keeps you focused on your objectives.

Step 4.  Live Your Legacy:  A lasting legacy is also about the impact you make on others while alive.  Be sure to live your values with your family and in your community.  Nothing is more likely to survive you than the effect you have on the lives you touch today.